Article 8316

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Guk Pavel Aleksandrovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, professor at sub-department of justice, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Guk Evgeniya Pavlovna, Deputy prosecutor of Zhelesnodorzhny district of Penza (5 Lunacharskogo street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. The principles of law have always aroused interest both among theoreticians and practitioners in various periods of development of the Russian state. The principle of unity of court practice was consolidated during the Judicial reform of 1864 and ensured implementation of court decisions of the Senate by subordinate juridical instances on similar cases. At the present time the principle of court practice unity is maintained by the Supreme Court of Russia. With the purpose of uniform understanding and application of normative legal acts when settling legal arguments by judicial bodies the necessary assistance is offered by the court practice of the Plenum and the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia promoting definitness and uniformity of application of rules of law in certain disputes. Containing legal positions of rules and interpretations of rules of law, decrees of the Constituional Court of Russia shape a uniform approach to settling juridical cases. The principles of court practice unity remain topical at the present times and require consecutive theoretical examination. The aim of the work is to reveal regularities of occurrence of the principle of court practice unity, its understanding and application in various periods of the Russian statehood, to display the importance of supreme juridical instances in maintaining the given principle in the judicial system.
Materials and methods. The research goals were achieved through analyzing the active legislation, court practice of higher judicial instances, legislation of the Russian empiry, court practice of the Senate. The methodology included the methods of comparative-legal and system analysis, formal juridical and historical approaches to understanding the given legal phenomenon.
Results. The research of the court practice unity enables a law-enforcer to adhere to a uniform understanding of normative legal acts contained in judicial acts of higher judicial instances when considering cases, to understand a necessity of the most accurate application thereof.
Conclusions. The principle of court practice unity and application of legislation norms will make it possible to maintain the uniformity thereof at all levels of case consideration by judicial bodies.

Key words

principle of law, principle of court practice unity, judicial reform, supreme judicial body, application of legislation norms, unity of court practice, judicial system

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Дата создания: 17.03.2017 12:38
Дата обновления: 17.03.2017 14:09